Mar 3, 2013

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There are a ton of blogs about early retirement and savings etc but I'm working my way through one in particular right now.  It is written by a guy who retired super early and talks about living extremely frugally while not sacrificing anything that truly makes you happy.

Anyway the post I'm reading today talks about cell phone bills.  And he gave a calculation to see how long your cell bill is delaying your retirement.  Mine was depressing... my cell bill is extremely high because I am also using my phone service for internet.  It turns out that paying my bill is costing me 3 years of retirement.... I can't believe it!

I am still locked into a 2 year contract but I wonder what the fee to get out of it would be.... Maybe I can sell the contract to someone else or something.  This stinks, I knew it was high but this blog really drove home the point.

I need to get my finances in order :(

At least I don't have credit debt or need any more loans, but I am still paying off school loans.  I hate seeing that stupid interest payment calculation every month.  I pay extra whenever I can just to try and get rid of it, and I check the tracking website kind of excessively.

I wish there was a magic debt fairy who would consolidate my debt into a ball and set it on fire.

Failing that, this is really childish but I wish my parents would pay it off and I could just owe them!  My parents don't collect interest, except in favors.

My mom actually contacted me the other day asking if my credit card was still cosigned with my dad.  I guess so?  I never changed anything on it, but I should.  She said I should take him off ASAP so I can start building credit.  Ummmm I'm in Japan assholes, I can't exactly walk into the bank where I opened the card and ask them to change my account.  It's already getting flagged for fraud every freaking week because of purchases from multiple countries in a short timespan.

Oy gevalt.

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